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Recent graduate outcomes

CORE 2023 stats

99% of the surveyed Augustana Class of 2023 said they were in graduate school or employed within six months of graduation.

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Data was collected from students who graduated from Augustana College in Summer 2022, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Data was collected through a collaboration between the Offices of Institutional Research and Career Development, and compiled by Laura Kestner-Ricketts, executive director of career and professional development, March 2024.


Sarah Adam

Adam '13 becomes first woman named to the U.S. Paralympic Wheelchair Rugby Team

The U.S. wheelchair rugby team finished with a silver medal in the 2024 Paralympic Games, losing only to Japan during the week's matches. Sarah Adam '13 was a top scorer for the team, netting 14 points.

Christian Elliott

Elliott '20 brings home Webby Awards for NASA

Christian Elliott '20 recently traveled to New York City for the 28th annual Webby Awards to accept honors for "Suiting up for Space," the April 2023 episode he wrote and produced as an intern for the podcast "NASA's Curious Universe."

Danny Ford in Greece

How to start a dream job right after (or before) graduating from Augustana

Three 2024 grads show what can happen with curiosity, internships, good challenges and support from their Augustana success team.

Ben Castro

Castro ’21 positioned to ‘help be the change in the Illinois Quad Cities’

A project led by Ben Castro ’21 to better understand uneven food access and food insecurities within QC MetroLINK’s service area placed fourth in a national competition. The project is tied to Castro's Senior Inquiry for his geography major.

Alyssa Motzel

’16 grad combats newborn mortality in rural Kenya

By developing curriculum to teach neonatal resuscitation protocol to medical practitioners in Mutomo, Kenya, Dr. Alyssa Nelson ’16 Motzel was determined to not only teach her peers, but also help them continue to train others.

Michele Hill
More Than I Imagined ? Michele Hill
“Most of my time at Augie has been a peak experience.”
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Sabrina Hill
More Than I Imagined ? Sabrina Hill
“Dr. Megan Havard and Dr. Jeffrey Ratliff-Crain helped me successfully make it through my Fulbright application.”
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Hayden Holland
More Than I Imagined ? Hayden Holland
“The chemistry faculty have helped me in so many ways to grow as a student and as a person.”
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Sara Hovren
More Than I Imagined ? Sara Hovren
“My peak experience was presenting my senior religion project at the Midwest American Academy of Religion conference.”
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Marissa Iverson
More Than I Imagined ? Marissa Iverson
“My professors in the geography and environmental studies departments gave me the confidence and support I needed to succeed here.”
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Megan Janssen
More Than I Imagined ? Megan Janssen
“One peak experience would definitely have to be receiving the phone call from ESPN with a job offer. ”
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Ryan Jenkins
More Than I Imagined ? Ryan Jenkins
“I lived in New York City and interned with a national news program at CBS News.”
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Brianna Jepson
More Than I Imagined ? Brianna Jepson
“My biggest influencer is my art advisor Megan Quinn; she has always helped me to achieve my goals and challenged me in the classroom.”
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Brianna Jepson
More Than I Imagined ? Brianna Jepson
“My biggest influencer is my art advisor Megan Quinn; she has always helped me to achieve my goals and challenged me in the classroom.”
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Mitch Johnson
More Than I Imagined ? Mitch Johnson
“Augustana has so much to offer if you make the effort to seek it out.”
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Courtney Kampert
More Than I Imagined ? Courtney Kampert
“Augie is home in so many ways.”
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Kris Kizer
More Than I Imagined ? Kris Kizer
“The EDGE Center and CORE were the biggest driving factors that convinced me to come to Augie.”
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Andrew Kladiva
More Than I Imagined ? Andrew Kladiva
“I got involved in the right clubs and organizations (like the EDGE Center), and they have helped me learn and experience so much more than I had ever expected.”
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Matthew Koch
More Than I Imagined ? Matthew Koch
“The magic of Augustana is that there isn’t a singular peak experience—there are many.”
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Macy Koepke
More Than I Imagined ? Macy Koepke
“A peak experience was interning for an optometrist in Sydney, Australia. I was able to get to do what I love on the other side of the world.”
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Maddie Kohlbeck
More Than I Imagined ? Maddie Kohlbeck
“I’m going to miss everything about this experience, and I can’t believe it’s almost over.”
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Kathryn Krajewski
More Than I Imagined ? Kathryn Krajewski
“A peak experience was going on tour with the Augustana Symphonic Orchestra. I was able to play the same concert multiple times?in different venues with my friends. Being able to replay the same program multiple times allowed the orchestra to develop these pieces even more, and being able to hear the evolution of the way we played at each concert was truly exciting.?”
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Katie Laschanzky
More Than I Imagined ? Katie Laschanzky
“Over the last four years, I have learned a new language and discovered a love for microorganisms.”
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Trang Le
More Than I Imagined ? Trang (Katie) Le
“I really could have been a student anywhere, but there is only one place I could be the best version of myself.”
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Ny Ny Le
More Than I Imagined ? Ny Ny Le
“Who would’ve thought that I would perform harp recitals during my time at Augie?”
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Kia Lechleitner
More Than I Imagined ? Kia Lechleitner
“I cannot thank my professors and my advisors enough. ”
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Ami Leichsenring
More Than I Imagined ? Ami Leichsenring
“I will miss the place that I’ve called home for the last four years.”
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Corey Lepoudre
More Than I Imagined ? Corey Lepoudre
“Dr. Storl is someone who sparked a new passion for ethics. I enjoyed her courses so much that I took three of them.”
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Katie Lorenz
More Than I Imagined ? Katie Lorenz
“My internship solidified my passion for speech-language pathology and working with children and gave me confidence that I will succeed in graduate school.”
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Displaying 505 - 528 of 962