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Recent graduate outcomes

CORE 2023 stats

99% of the surveyed Augustana Class of 2023 said they were in graduate school or employed within six months of graduation.

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Data was collected from students who graduated from Augustana College in Summer 2022, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Data was collected through a collaboration between the Offices of Institutional Research and Career Development, and compiled by Laura Kestner-Ricketts, executive director of career and professional development, March 2024.


Sarah Adam

Adam '13 becomes first woman named to the U.S. Paralympic Wheelchair Rugby Team

The U.S. wheelchair rugby team finished with a silver medal in the 2024 Paralympic Games, losing only to Japan during the week's matches. Sarah Adam '13 was a top scorer for the team, netting 14 points.

Christian Elliott

Elliott '20 brings home Webby Awards for NASA

Christian Elliott '20 recently traveled to New York City for the 28th annual Webby Awards to accept honors for "Suiting up for Space," the April 2023 episode he wrote and produced as an intern for the podcast "NASA's Curious Universe."

Danny Ford in Greece

How to start a dream job right after (or before) graduating from Augustana

Three 2024 grads show what can happen with curiosity, internships, good challenges and support from their Augustana success team.

Ben Castro

Castro ’21 positioned to ‘help be the change in the Illinois Quad Cities’

A project led by Ben Castro ’21 to better understand uneven food access and food insecurities within QC MetroLINK’s service area placed fourth in a national competition. The project is tied to Castro's Senior Inquiry for his geography major.

Alyssa Motzel

’16 grad combats newborn mortality in rural Kenya

By developing curriculum to teach neonatal resuscitation protocol to medical practitioners in Mutomo, Kenya, Dr. Alyssa Nelson ’16 Motzel was determined to not only teach her peers, but also help them continue to train others.

Allison Brinker
More Than I Imagined ? Allison Brinker
“I will miss the sense of family I have found at Augustana.”
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Benjamin Bruster
More Than I Imagined ? Benjamin Bruster
“I used my Augie Choice for East Asia term. As an aspiring geographer, I enjoyed seeing and learning about Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.”
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Emma Brutman
More Than I Imagined ? Emma Brutman
“The entire theatre department has become a second home to me.”
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Abi Buchanan
More Than I Imagined ? Abi Buchanan
“I am fortunate to have received a full-ride at Michigan State University for its doctoral program in anthropology.”
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Rachel Buenaobra
More Than I Imagined ? Rachel Buenaobra
“Throughout my time here, I’ve been challenged and encouraged to tap into potential I didn’t know I was capable of —?inside and outside the classroom.”
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alan daly
More Than I Imagined ? Allan Daly
“Classics is a wonderful major that teaches you more about life than any other subject. It got me my internship, which got me into grad school.”
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Lan Dang
More Than I Imagined ? Lan Dang
“For my doctorate, I will study computational biomedical sciences.”
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Jenn Darby
More Than I Imagined ? Jenn Darby
“There is so much I will miss about Augie.”
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Megan DeRoeck
More Than I Imagined ? Megan DeRoeck
“I am so thankful that I was able to use Augie Choice to help me travel out of the country.”
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Kate Didier
More Than I Imagined ? Kate Didier
“Augie does a great job at helping you build your résumé, interview skills and confidence, and teaching you how to grow as a professional.”
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Anna Dispensa
More Than I Imagined ? Anna Dispensa
“I never imagined that I would be able to study abroad three times and graduate in four years with an elementary education degree. ”
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Mahvish Fatima
More Than I Imagined ? Mahvish Fatima
“I will always cherish the great connections I made with professors as well as my close friends.”
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Riley Ferguson
More Than I Imagined ? Riley Ferguson
“I used my Augie Choice the summer before my senior year on a trip to Rome.”
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Sarah Foreman
More Than I Imagined ? Sarah Foreman
“I'll miss the amazing people I've met through Augie.”
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Shirquanna Freeman
More Than I Imagined ? Shirquanna Freeman
“Augie has helped me discover who I am as a person.”
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Gabby Gambino Lyon
More Than I Imagined ? Gabby Gambino Lyon
“Dr. Dyer's dedication to his students as well as his passion for creating room for women in engineering are the main reasons I kept with it all four years.”
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Emily Geison
More Than I Imagined ? Emily Geison
“My advisors have been amazing in helping me when I need them. They were always there for me to talk to and to give advice.”
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Shelby Grandt
More Than I Imagined ? Shelby Grandt
“There are no words to describe the endless support the education department has provided me. ”
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Lauren Hagedorn
More Than I Imagined ? Lauren Hagedorn
“The professors have so much knowledge to share and are incredibly supportive.”
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Nicolette Hampton
More Than I Imagined ? Nicolette Hampton
“I eventually found my home with the communications studies department, and along the way, I picked up Africana studies as something I wanted to pursue further.”
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Caroline Hartweg
More Than I Imagined ? Caroline Hartweg
“My class of education majors make up a great community of peers.”
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Adiba Hasan
More Than I Imagined ? Adiba Hasan
“There were so many peak experiences that it is hard to pick one.”
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Claire Herdegen
More Than I Imagined ? Claire Herdegen
“Besides the beautiful campus, the two things I will miss the most are the faculty and living within five minutes of all of my best friends.”
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Michael Hickey
More Than I Imagined ? Michael Hickey
“I had no idea that I would have the opportunity to participate in three summer internships and multiple professional and athletic clubs.”
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Displaying 481 - 504 of 962