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meagan murphy
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

?Meagan Murphy

Graduation year: 2015

Major: Religion

Minor: Women’s and gender studies

Activities: Varsity basketball, varsity golf, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Athletic Advisory Committee, Phi Beta Kappa

Post-grad plans: I am blessed to have the opportunity to devote myself to a year of service through the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. I have been placed with an organization called Girls in the Game, which is based out of the Chicago Park District.

Why did you choose Augustana?

When I stepped on Augustana's campus, I felt that it was a place I would be able to spread my wings. There were so many opportunities; I never felt my interests would go unexplored. I also felt the atmosphere was extremely welcoming.

Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?

No way. To begin with, I never thought I would end up at Augustana. I transferred here two years ago and couldn’t be happier about my decision. I feel at home here. But I also feel like I have been challenged in a way I never thought I would be. I am so blessed with the family that I have found here in Augie’s students, professors, coaches and mentors. It will forever be my second home.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

The people who have helped me the most are the people who have believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself: my family. But this family includes more than my blood relatives. It includes the friends, professors, mentors, teammates and coaches that have become more than instrumental in my success. They have given me the tools to succeed and the confidence to thrive, and I can’t thank them enough for that.

A peak experience?

The peak experience for me was my Senior Night basketball game. I was able to not only be in the moment, but also to see all of my hard work and effort culminate in a single night. My team won the game, but it wasn’t just winning that filled me with utmost joy. It was the support I felt from everyone around me. It was being able to see that hard work and dedication does pay off. In this night I was able to reflect on all the good things in my life, and all the good things Augustana has given me.

What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?

I learned that as prepared, strong and independent you may feel, you’re only as strong as your support system. I went through a lot of experiences at Augustana — some more challenging than others. But throughout it all, I always felt support from all of the different communities I was able to form here. Academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I felt Augustana was able to meet my needs no matter the circumstances. And through this, I learned that I have the ability to overcome any obstacle I may face.

How did you use your Augie Choice?

My Augie Choice was used to fund my experience at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp.

What will you miss the most?

I will miss the community the most. There is never a dull day at Augustana. I’ve put so much into the community here at Augie, so I know it will be hard to leave. But the great thing is knowing that new relationships will continue to flourish while I will hold onto the relationships that I have formed throughout the years.

Advice for the Class of 2019?

If there’s one thing I learned, it is to get involved. Find what you’re passionate about, and then see how Augustana can help nourish those passions. And then, if you don’t feel Augie has an outlet for you, don’t be afraid to establish a club, program or organization that you feel will help benefit the Augie community. Also, be sure to ask questions. The more questions you ask, the more you see how much the Augie community cares about your education as well as your overall college experience. Augie will give you more than answers; Augie will give you opportunities to grow and learn in ways you never thought that you could do.

“Early in her senior year, Meagan delivered a Tuesday Reflection in chapel that was truly inspirational. In it, she spoke of how her academic work in religion dovetails with her personal commitments and the challenges of her summer job at a Lutheran camp in Colorado. Each of these contributes to her unfolding vocation — which continues next year when Meagan will head up a leadership and sports program for urban youth through Lutheran Volunteer Corps.”


- Dr. Jason Mahn, associate professor, religion