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ha pham
More Than I Imagined Seniors reflect on accomplishments and look ahead

?Ha Pham

Graduation year: 2015

Majors: Accounting; economics; business administration-finance

Activities: Sigma Kappa Tau sorority, Relay For Life, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board

Post-grad plans: Finish my audit internship with PricewaterhouseCoopers in the summer and then earn my master's of accounting degree

Why did you choose to attend Augustana?

Since I am originally from Vietnam, I didn't get the opportunity to visit the campus as many people did. I applied for colleges in the United States and got accepted by several schools. When it came to my final decision, I picked Augie because I had a friend who went to Augustana a year before and told me lots of good things about the school.

Are you where you thought you'd be four years ago?

Not at all. I knew that I would have a major in business but couldn't imagine how I would later move forward in my future career. After staying at Augustana for four years, I have been able to add two more majors — economics and accounting — and find out that I will pursue the accounting profession in the future.

Who helped you get to where you are now?

I could never be where I am today without the help from my professors and my friends. John Delaney in the accounting department and Ann Ericson in the business department are two of my advisors that helped me a lot throughout my undergraduate progression and my post-graduate plan. John Delaney not only inspired me with his interest in teaching the subjects but also motivated me with his enthusiasm in students' success. Ann Ericson offered me many opportunities to develop my skills in a professional setting. My friends in Sigma Kappa Tau sorority and at Augie have been an amazing support system for me to overcome the cultural differences and the stressful times I had.?

A peak experience?

It is difficult for me to pick a peak experience at Augie since there are a lot of them. The pledging period for my sorority in my first year; the trip to Bloomingdale, Ill., to present my Senior Inquiry in my junior year; the geography field trip to Southern Illinois in my senior year with some of the greatest classmates I've ever had. Augustana has been a fun and happy place to be the last four years.

What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?

I learned a lot about my ambition to work in the business field and my ability to overcome hardships to thrive professionally.

How did you use your Augie Choice?

I used Augie Choice to help fund my accounting internship with World Relief in Moline, Ill.?

What will you miss the most?

I will miss the people here the most. They definitely have been the nicest people I have met in the United States. On top of that, I will miss my friends and my professors. They contributed significantly to the person I have become. Also, I will never forget the beautiful campus in the fall and spring.

Advice for the Class of 2019?

Stay hungry and open-minded: hungry for knowledge and open-minded to new things. Study hard and try your best with all of your classes. However, you will be having the most memorable time of your life, so do not let it go without adding a bit of fun and adventure to it. Augustana has many options for you. As long as you make an effort to get to know people, you will find good friends and great opportunities.

"Ha was delightful to work with on her Senior Inquiry project, which she presented at a national Asian Studies conference. Her research included interviews, but she also has an impressive grasp of statistics that aided not only me, but the business department in her role as a student tutor. Ha's participation in varied campus activities reflects her drive and enthusiasm. I have no doubt she will enjoy her graduate school experience in accounting."


- Dr. Ann Ericson, professor, business administration