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Opening Convocation

Aug. 30, 1-1:30 p.m.


Christopher Nelson, College Organist

Melinda Pupillo, Chaplain 

Welcome and Introductions
Dianna Shandy, Provost

Neleigh Rush, President
Augustana Student Government Association

Andrea Kathryn Talentino, President of the College

Provost Dianna Shandy

By the Mighty Mississippi
Christopher Nelson, College Organist


By the Mighty Mississippi, on a rocky shore—
Stands the school we love so dearly, now and evermore.

Augustana, Augustana, we thy children as of old
Sing thy praise in song unending to old Augie’s blue and gold.

Tho’ the future years may part us, still together now—
Faith and love to Augustana evermore we vow.

Augustana, Augustana, we thy children as of old
Sing thy praise in song unending to old Augie’s blue and gold.

Christopher Nelson, College Organist

After the recessional, students say farewell to their parents and families from 1:30-1:45 p.m.

Following the recessional and farewell, parents may proceed to their meeting room for a conversation with their student's first-year or transfer advisor. (See the back of your student's nametag for correct classroom location.)

Students may proceed to the Carver P.E. Center for the Welcome Week Kickoff.