Author - Tobi Matter

Move-in 101

The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here! Move-in day can seem a bit overwhelming. Lots of emotions, new locations, people, things. We get it!

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
August 13, 2024

Holiday traditions at Augustana College

From the mesmerizing glow of the tree-lighting ceremony to the harmonious melodies of Christmas at Augustana, each tradition adds a unique touch to the season. Here are a few of our favorites: 


Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
December 1, 2023

What is a career coach, and how does a student benefit from having one?

Just as athletic coaches instruct and work with athletes to prepare them for competition, Augustana’s Career Coaches use their expertise to prepare students for what’s next.

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
December 21, 2022

Our favorite time of year

Fall might be our favorite season. From football to walks through bright foliage, there are plenty of ways to enjoy fall on Augustana’s campus. 

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
October 28, 2022

5 things to know before coming to Augustana

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
August 26, 2022